One of the prominent persons who occupies a special place in the history of the Dilbazi family. The man of tragic fate. He created the first examples of poetic lyrics against the Russian expansionism. That was absolutely new in the centuries - old Azerbaijani literature.
He was born in the family of Molla Ali Aga Dilbaz and lived in the second half of the XVIII - beginning of the XIX centuries. This educated, brave and influential bek from Gazakh was married to the daughter of the Gazakh vekil (head of the executive authorities of the local mahal of the Tiflis vilayet) Panakh Aga Kosali from the village Salakhly.
Kazim Aga Salik who was very devastated after Abdurakhman Aga Shair’s death said that with the poet’s death the friends lost a valuable interlocutor, became or- phans and that there were not any more hot literary discus- sions of the Gazakh word-men.
Sad as it is, Abdurakhman Aga Shair’s writings did not fully reach us. All written manuscript copies of his poems were destroyedin the 30’s of the last century when under the Bolsheviks’ rampant violence the Komsomol members and the members of the Emergency Commit tee went from door to door confiscating and then burning manuscript books from home libraries. But some poems by Abdurakhman Aga Shair under a pseudonym “Shair” did survive. This happened thanks to the Transcaucasian mufti Guseyn Efendi Gaibzadeh (1830-1917) and a prominent lit- erary scholar Firidun bek Kocharli.
The first to pay attention to Abdurakhman Aga Shair’s literary legacy was mufti Gaibzadeh who distinguished, to his opinion, the most attractive poems. These are quatrains “Daglar” (Mountains) and “Aglaram” (I’m crying) where the poet describes the sorrow that whelmed his soul after losing the sight. And the poems “The fight of the ruler of Ganja Javad khan Ziyadoglu against the Russian troops” and “About the capture of Ganja” (it goes about the mili- tary-political events of 1804) are dedicated to the historical events have explicit political content.
It should be pointed out that the poetic spirit of “Aglaram” is in tune with the eponymously -named poem by mayor Mustafa Aga Arif (Shykhlinski) who was exiled with mayor Naib-sultan Shamsaddinsky to Russia by the Russian authorities on suspicion of anti-Russian sentiments.
The poem “The fight of the ruler of Ganja Javad khan Ziyadoglu against the Russian troops” in Mufti’s version consists of 39 stanzas. And Firidun bek Kocharli had only 14 left. The poem is in tune with the spirit and temperament of the dramatic narration of the poem “Musibatname” by Molla Veli Vidadi describing political and military events of the XVIII century.
The author idealizes the old times when the representa- tives of this noble and heroic family (Kajar-Ziyadoglu) ruled in the region.
As to Abdurakhman Aga Shair’s private life it is known that he had two sons - Allahyar Aga and Kerim Aga within the marriage with the daughter of the Gazakh vekil. To dis- tinguish within the family the descendants of the first son are conventionally called “Allahyaragali” and of the second
As to Abdurakhman Aga Shair’s private life it is known that he had two sons - Allahyar Aga and Kerim Aga within the marriage with the daughter of the Gazakh vekil. To dis- tinguish within the family the descendants of the first son are conventionally called “Allahyaragali” and of the second
- “Kerimagali” with the mutual surname Dilbazi.
As is clear from the above-mentioned the history of the Dilbazi family partly reflects the history of Azerbaijan and of the Azerbaijani Turks during the last 300 year period. To visually imagine all the twists of the time we, keeping the chronological order of the genealogy, offer to the readers’ attention the walks of life of the most prominent representa- tives of the family. It is partly the way of the Azerbaijanis becoming the European nation.
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