Poet, theologian
The third son of the poet and theologian - scholar Gadjiragim aga Vakhidi. His re- ligious name was Jamaleddin. Giryan is his poetic pseud- onym. He received the pri- mary education at home. He had a good mastery of Arabic, Persian and Russian. There was a large library in the house. He was fond of reading. Later he went to Osmanly, studied in madrasah of his fa- ther’s friend - Mir Khamza
Nigari in the Anatolian town Amasya (Turkey).
His poetry writing was influenced by Mir Khamza Nigari and his father Gadjiragim aga Vakhidi.
He used to organize literary evenings which were at- tended by men of letters and literature lovers from the whole Gazakh district among whom were Shamsi bek Shakhla, Mirza Samed, Gadjikerim Saniev, Sharif bek Shikasta, Ibragim efendi Gaibov, Nabi aga Agajik oglu, Israfil bek Kerbalaev (all of them are famous personalities of the past). Once they announced the competition in making the best pamphlet for bailiff Askerov. All the participants unanimously gave the palm to Jamal aga’s work. As a suc- cessful merchant he also allocated funds for educational purposes. In Gazakh in a hall of the hotel belonging to Israfil bek Kerbalai he opened libraries with reading rooms where he had collected many books and periodicals.
He used to organize literary evenings which were at- tended by men of letters and literature lovers from the whole Gazakh district among whom were Shamsi bek Shakhla, Mirza Samed, Gadjikerim Saniev, Sharif bek Shikasta, Ibragim efendi Gaibov, Nabi aga Agajik oglu, Israfil bek Kerbalaev (all of them are famous personalities of the past). Once they announced the competition in making the best pamphlet for bailiff Askerov. All the participants unanimously gave the palm to Jamal aga’s work. As a suc- cessful merchant he also allocated funds for educational purposes. In Gazakh in a hall of the hotel belonging to Israfil bek Kerbalai he opened libraries with reading rooms where he had collected many books and periodicals.
In 1917-1919 yy. Jamal aga Dilbazi held a position of a head of Gazakh town (mayor). He was an ardent supporter of Azerbaijan’s independence, carefully followed political processes. His political views were those against tsarism with its great Russian chauvinism. He was a supporter of the Ittihadits’ ideas and the Ottomans.
When the commander of the Caucasian Islamic army Nuru pasha visited Gazakh in 1918 Jamal aga was among those who were meeting him. At the meeting he made a pas- sionate speech and gave a sumptuous banquet for the pasha. After the sovietization part of his property was confis- cated by the new power. In the 20’s he lived in Gazakh and during NEP (New Economic Policy) was still engaged in
trade and did not give up poetic activity.
Jamal aga Dilbazi was arrested by the authorities of the State Political Administration during the events of Febru- ary, 1931. He was accused of “being an anti soviet person who always spreads an anti soviet propaganda among the people surrounding him. He is always criticizing all the events of the soviet authorities saying that he is looking for- ward to the time when they can eventually get rid of the Bolveviks’ oppression”. Besides, he was accused of “aiding the banditism”. He did not plead himself guilty on the charges brought against him. But it was of little importance. The decision of the plenipotentiary “three” working at the territory of the Ganja district of the Azerbaijan SSR of March 25, 1931 was as follows:
Jamal aga Dilbazi was arrested by the authorities of the State Political Administration during the events of Febru- ary, 1931. He was accused of “being an anti soviet person who always spreads an anti soviet propaganda among the people surrounding him. He is always criticizing all the events of the soviet authorities saying that he is looking for- ward to the time when they can eventually get rid of the Bolveviks’ oppression”. Besides, he was accused of “aiding the banditism”. He did not plead himself guilty on the charges brought against him. But it was of little importance. The decision of the plenipotentiary “three” working at the territory of the Ganja district of the Azerbaijan SSR of March 25, 1931 was as follows:
“Jamal aga Dilbazi, 60 years old, Turkish,citizen of the Azerbaijan SSR, resident of Gazakh town, former landowner, stripped of his civil rights and with no criminal background... with the family to be exiled to Kazakhstan for 5 years. The property to be confiscated.”
By the reasons unknown to us Jamal aga Dilbazi was ex- iled only after a year. During the confiscation all his books from the home library were burnt. His manuscript works were also burnt. Due to the unbearable conditions his little daughter died in exile. Together with his wife Zeynab khanum he returned to Baku just in 1936. They were al- lowed to live in the village Bulbula near Baku where his younger son lived.
In those years he was trying to influence the cultural and literary life of Baku, wrote poems and articles.
In those years he was trying to influence the cultural and literary life of Baku, wrote poems and articles.
As to his religious beliefs Jamal aga Dilbazi belonged to the nakshbendi order of Sufism. The fourth khalifa in the hi- erarchy of this teaching Yasari Huseyn Khulusi al-Istanbuli was his personal friend (the first three khalifas were from Anatolia. They were - Gazi efendi from Kangally, Mustafa efendi form Dash Ova, Postlu Akhmed efendi from Trabzon). All this story connected with the nakshbendi teaching,its head Mir Khamza Nigari, its followers was de- scribed in the surviving manuscript of his book named “Divani-fesakhet” dated from 1932. Here from Jamal aga’s words we learn that a poet, thinker and theologian Khulusi efendi al-Istanbuli died in 1893 during his stay in the Gazakh district. This happened after their return from the mountains where they had spent summer time. This ex- traordinary man was buried in the village Khanlyglar.
The grave stele has survived to the present days.
The comments and short description of “Divani- fesakhet” are presented in the Azerbaijani edition of the given book.
Jamal aga had three sons - Jalal, Siradj and Khulusi. Jalal aga was also exiled in 1931 for belonging to the Pan-Islamic party “Ittikhad” (Unity). On returning from exile he worked in Geychay town. In 1937 he was executed. Siradj Dilbazi did not return from the front of the World War II. His third son’s (Khulusi Dilbazi) lot was also a hard one.
Jamal aga who was a poet, thinker and theologian of his time died in 1945 in Gazakh town where he lived in the hut of his mansion confiscated by the Bolsheviks. He was bur- ied in the village Khanlyglar next to Khulusi efendi al-Istanbuli’s grave.
Jamal aga who was a poet, thinker and theologian of his time died in 1945 in Gazakh town where he lived in the hut of his mansion confiscated by the Bolsheviks. He was bur- ied in the village Khanlyglar next to Khulusi efendi al-Istanbuli’s grave.
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