He was born in the village Khanlyglar. Chingiz Dilbazi was an educated man, had a good mastery of Russian. He was one of the highly re- spected people in old Gazakh. He may be considered one of the first noblemen to do busi- ness. Besides the lands and livestock farm in Khanlyglar Chingiz aga also owned shops and houses in Gazakh. As a man of wealth he was engaged in charity. In 1918-1920 yy. he provided support and assistance to the refugees who fled to the Erivan province (Nowadays Yerevan Armenia). He opened the doors of his store house and handed out the wheat.
After the sovietization of Azerbaijan he still lived in Gazakh and carried on trade during the New Economic Policy. Though some communist did consider Chingiz aga to be a secret an enemy of the Soviet power the punitive bodies dared not arrest him because of his high respect among the refugees and the local poor. In 1931 Chingiz Aga voluntarily gave his mansion which he had built in 1912-1913 yy. to the soviet authorities on condition that it would accommodate a healthcare institution. Today there is a memorial tablet on the facade of this two storied mansion.
In 1934 Chingiz Aga moved to Ganja where he passed away in January 1942. His wife Saltanat khanum died in 1964 in Ganja. They had six daughters. All of them got secular education. For example, Sayaly khanum Dilbazi (1907-1978) is a graduate of the Baku Women’s Seminary, was a director of the women’s seminary in Ganja in the 20’s. Later she finished the Pedagogical Institute, married the Iranian national Ajdar Alizade and went to Iran where the family lived in Tehran.
Senem khanum Dilbazi (1910-1976) got a primary and secondary education in Gazakh. She graduated from the Ganja Pedagogical Institute and was one of the most re- spected teachers of Ganja.
Senem khanum Dilbazi (1910-1976) got a primary and secondary education in Gazakh. She graduated from the Ganja Pedagogical Institute and was one of the most re- spected teachers of Ganja.
Hamida khanum (1920) received a primary education in Gazakh and a secondary in Ganja. She graduated from the medical prevention faculty of the Azerbaijan Medical Institute (1941). She worked as a doctor in the Gonagkend district and then in Ganja. From 1948 to 2006 before the retirement she worked as a sector doctor in the city polyclinic . She married her group mate Alikram Eyvazov. She is a healthcare expertand a high level physician. Out of her three daughters Zemfira and Rena chose the doctor’s profession and Kamala became an English teacher.
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