She was born in Khanlyglar village where she received a primary education at a local village school. Having graduated from the workers’ faculty in Baku she returned to Ganja where her father and mother had already moved to from Gazakh. She was admitted to a position of a typist at the Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute and entered the correspondence department of the zoo technical faculty. Upon graduation she got a position of an assistant at the chair of physiology.
On the eve of war she married the rector of the Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute Gafar Ragimzadeh. They had children. However, the family happiness did not last long. As soon as the war broke out Gafar Ragimzadeh who (as a public official) had exemption from active duty submitted an application for voluntary enlistment to the front. In 1943 the news of his death arrived.
Having read aright the signs of the time Khanum Dilbazi dedicated herself to science. She started to study the physiology of domestic animals. Her scientific articles drew attention of the agricultural experts. In 1951 Khanum Dilbazi defended her candidate’s thesis and after a year was appointed a docent of the chair of physiology of domestic animals.Later she graduated from the extension course faculty of the Leningrad (St.Petersburg) Zoo Technical Institute.
During her work as a docent at the chair of physiology (1953-1988) Khanum Dilbazi published 27 scientific works on the physiology of live-stock animals, a textbook and a training guide “Practical course on the physiology of live-stock animals” which became the first training guide in this field.
Though Khanum Dilbazi became a widow very early she never married again wholly dedicating herself to bringing up her two sons. Khanum was highly respected by the Institute staff as a demanding and competent teacher. She spent much time on reading non fiction literature, knew by heart many poems both by classic and young poets.
Khanum Dilbazi passed away and was buried in Baku. Her elder son Fikret Ragimzade (1938) is a doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, has worked for many years at the Institute of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of Russia. Her younger son Arif Ragimzade is a candidate of agricultural sciences, prominent political figure of modern Azerbaijan. He was a vice-speaker of the Parliament of Azerbaijan (1994-2005) and now holds a position of a chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on local government bodies.
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